Energy is vital for improving the quality of human life in every nation. The growing scarcity of conventional fuels and their adverse ecological and environmental impacts have raised global interest in harnessing various renewable energy sources. Renewable Energy Technologies are emerging as the source of sustainable energy, which will be very important for future energy supply strategies of the entire world. The availability of adequate manpower and appropriate resources is crucial for the success in this endeavor. Providing renewable energy education at all the required levels in an efficient and effective manner is a challenging task.
There are very few institutes in India and First in Karnataka that offer a structured programme to cover the diverse range of issues to meet this demand. The program at NMIT is intended to fill the gap and provide the much needed human resource capacity in renewable energy technology and management. The program is designed to train students, not only in renewable energy technology and implementation but also in equally important synergetic areas of energy infrastructure, energy economics and energy conversion technologies. The program will lead to a specialization in renewable energy.
Bearing this in mind, NMIT offers a M.Tech. course in Renewable Energy.
This M.Tech. Program provides an opportunity to specialize in the field of renewable energy. The course covers a wide range of topics in renewable energy, energy efficiency and renewable energy technology, energy demand and energy economics.
The programme consists of core and elective courses taught during the first and second semester, During the third & fourth semester, students are required to take up an Internship and major project either in an industrial establishment or a research/ consultancy organization dealing with renewable energy, as an independent study under the supervision of a faculty member at NMIT and a working p rofessional of that organization.
Aggregate 50%
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in Electrical & Electronics Engineering /Mechanical Engineering/Chemical Engineering / M.Sc. in Physics/AMIE in appropriate branch. GATE: EE, ME, Chemical Engg, Physics.
Admissions as per the policy of the Government of Karnataka/VTU will be based on the academic performance in the qualifying Degree, GATE/PGCET.
Regular and Sponsored CandidatesCandidates working in the Industry/Government are encouraged to apply for the program. NOC (No Objection Certificate)/sponsorship letter from the employer will be required at the time of interview.
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Graduates will be able to-
The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was started in the year 2001 with a sanctioned intake of 60 students. The department has been accredited in 2009, 2014 and 2018. The main areas of learning in this program pertain to the principles and analysis of equipment and systems used in the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical energy. Other areas of learning pertain to electronic devices and circuits used in the measurement, instrumentation, control and protection of electrical equipment and conversion systems. Students also learn concepts related to computers and the applications for computer based systems used in the design, analysis and operation of power system. The faculty members always strive to impart knowledge in the best possible manner to the students. The quality and standard of teaching is always a priority for the faculty members.
The department offers a UG (B.E) program in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and a PG (M.Tech.) program in Renewable Energy. The department is recognized as a research center by VTU and offers M.Sc. (by research) and Ph.D. programs.
The department regularly organizes industrial visits. The experts from industries and institutes enhance the students' knowledge through technical lectures on contemporary subjects in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. In 2019, intake was increased to 120.
The Department Library has rich collection of books, periodicals and journals related to subject domain
The department has laboratories for Electrical Machines, Digital Electronics, Circuits & Measurements, Microcontrollers, Control Systems, Relays and Power Electronics, DSP tools and Power Systems., Relays and Power Electronics MODROB DSP tools and Power Systems. Students have access to simulation software PSCAD, ETAP, EPLAN, MiPower under COE- Power Engineering and Solar & Thermal power Unit. All laboratories have high speed connectivity to the network and Internet. LAYOP – Learn At Your Own Pace- Poster Lab is available in the department.
Sl. No | Name | Position |
1. | Dr. Vasudha Hegde, Prof. And HOD | Chairman |
2. | Dr. T. C. Balachandra, Prof | Member |
3. | Dr. Rajkiran Ballal, Prof and PG co-ordinator | Member |
4. | Dr. N. Samanvita, Associate Prof | Member |
5. | Dr. Prasanth V, Associate Prof | Member |
6. | Mr. Shreeram V. Kulkarni, Asst Prof | Member |
7. | Mrs.Veena.S., Associate Prof | Coordinator |
8. | Mrs. Sridevi.H. R., Asst Prof | Coordinator |
9. | Dr. NageshPrabhu, Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, NMAMIT, Nitte, Karkala. | Academia, External member |
10. | Dr. Subba Reddy, Principal Research Scientist, High Voltage Laboratory, Dept. of Electrical Engg, IISc, Bangalore. | Academia, VTU Nominee, External member |
11. | Dr. Arvind M. T., Director, Amplebit Energy solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. | Industry, External member |
12. | Ms. Mithila Holla, General manager, Trinity mobility, Bangalore. | Industry, External member |
13. | Mr. Shriram H. S., Senior Software Engineer , CISCO, Bangalore | Alumni member |
Sl. No | Name | Position |
1. | Dr. Vasudha Hegde, HOD | Chairman |
2. | Dr. T. C. Balachandra, Prof | Member |
3. | Dr. N. Samanvita, Associate Prof | Member |
4. | Mrs. Veena.S., Associate Prof | Member |
5. | Mrs. Sridevi .H. R., Asst Prof | Member |
6. | Mr. Nagaraj.M.J., Asst Prof | Co-ordinator |
Sl. No | Name | Position |
1. | Dr. Vasudha Hegde, HOD | Chairman |
2. | Dr.T.C.Balachandra, Prof | Member |
3. | Dr. N. Samanvita, Associate Prof | Member |
4. | Mr. Nagaraj.M.J., Asst Prof | Co-ordinator |
5 | Dr.B.K. Keshavan. Professor and Head, PESU, Bangalore | Academic expert |
6 | Mr. Sriram.H.S. Senior Software Engineer , CISCO | Alumni –Industry expert. |
7 | Mr.K.Paramesha, Dy. Director, BESCOM-Karnataka Electricity Regulation Commission | Industry expert |
Sl. No | Name | Position |
1. | Dr. Vasudha Hegde, HOD | Chairman |
2. | Dr. T. C. Balachandra, Prof | Member |
3. | Dr. N. Samanvita, Associate Prof | Member |
4. | Dr. Shefali Jagwani, Associate Prof | Member |
5. | Mr. Nagaraj .M. J. , Asst Professor | Coordinator |
6. | Mr. Keshav Sridhar, Final year student (UG) | Member – student |
7. | Ms. Sneha Nair, Final year student (UG) | Member – student |
8. | Mr. Naman Gupta, III year student (UG) | Member – student |
9. | Ms. Aishanya Tiwari, III Year student (UG) | Member – student |
10. | Mr. Arjun .M. S., II year student (UG) | Member – student |
11. | Ms. Nisha Singh, II year student (UG) | Member – student |
The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering has established Center of Excellence in Power Engineering and Center for Innovation, Consultancy and Product Development (ICAP) to cater to the requirement of students to the latest technology and make them industry ready.
The Center of Excellence in Power Engineering mainly focuses on training and Hands-on sessions in power system simulation tools like EPLAN, ETAP, MiPower, etc , for transient and steady state response. The Center also provides opportunities for students to get trained in the areas of Power System Protection, Renewable Energy, PLC and Automation, Electric Vehicle, etc.
The Center for Innovation, Consultancy and Product Development (ICAP) provides Research opportunities and Facilities for the students in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Embedded Systems and Quantum Computing.
S.No | Broad Areas of Research | Faculties Involved | COE Attached |
1. | Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Power Electronics, and Power system Protection (e-Mobility) | M. J. Nagaraj, H.R.Sridevi, Dr.Shefali.J, CH.V. Ramesh, Dr.T.C.Balachandra, Sudeep Shetty, Dr. Shreeram Kulkarni, Dr.Pavana | Power Engineering COE |
2. | Electronics, MEMS, VLSI (Micro Electronics) | Dr. Vasudha Hegde, S.Veena, Shruthi Gatade, M.J.Nagaraj | Center for Nano materials and MEMS |
3. | DSP, Power Signal Processing, Control, Microprocessors, Microcontrollers(Signal Processing) | H.R. Sridevi, S.Sujatha, S.Veena, Dr. N.Samanvita, Siridevi.N.C, Dr.Prasanth.V | Power Engineering COE |
4. | Renewable Energy and High voltage Engineering, Energy Conversion | Dr. T.C.Balachandra, Dr. Vasudha Hegde, Dr. Rajkiran Ballal, S.Sujatha, B.Smitha, A.Meghana, Dr. Pramod Bhat | Power engineering COE |
5. | Robotics, Industrial Automation ,IoT, Machine Building, Industry 4.0 | S.Anand, M.J.Nagaraj, Shruthi Gatade, Dr. N.Samanvita, Sowmya Raman | IoT COE, Robotics COE, Power Engineering COE |
6. | Smart Systems, AI Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, Nano -Satellite | Dr. N.Samanvita, Sudeep Shetty, Dr. Shreeram Kulkarni, S.Anand, S.Sujatha, Sowmya Raman | IOT COE, STUDSAT COE, Robotics COE, Power Engineering COE |
Reimagine Waste-2 Hackathon: Team titled ‘Paradigm Shifters’ comprising of Narendra Chaulagain, K. Arun Kumar, Hom Bahadur Tamang and Srihari D. V. of V Sem E&EE under the mentorship of Dr. Vasudha Hegde (Professor & Head E&EE Dept.) participated in four days hackathon held at IISc in August 2017. Under the theme ‘Smart Streets for Smart City’, a solution on segregation of plastic waste from other waste, using electrostatic method (using high voltage pulses) was proposed. This team was one amongst the finalists, with the idea much appreciated by jury members and they were invited to build the business model of the same.
Smart India Hackathon 2017-World’s biggest hackathon: Four ideas were submitted by the department with one team comprising of Narendra Chaulagain, K., Arun Kumar, Akshatha K.R., Rajan Jaysawal, Hom Bahaddur Tamang and Gagnan P. E. of IV Semester E&EE. The other team of VIII Semester E&EE under the mentorship of Mrs. Vasudha Hegde participated in the grand finale at Coimbatore with the idea titled, ‘Carbon activated Filter for Controlling Industrial Air Pollution’ under the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change.
Students of 2nd year developed a 3D printer; their idea was selected for final round of Smart India Hackathon. Team of 4 students - SamiranDhali, AmitKushwaha, Prajna HU Aishanya Tiwari, Sumanth S.
Author(s) name | Title of the Paper | Title of the Journal | Publications Details | Indexing (Scopus/SCI/ WOS/UGC/ Others) | ||
Vol/Issue | Page No. | Year | ||||
Dr.T.C. Balachandra | Electrical Insulation Behavior of High Vacuum under Variable Frequency Alternating Excitations | IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation | Vol. 28, | No. 3; | June 2021. | IEEE Transactions |
Author(s) name | Title of the paper | Name of the Conference | Date of Conference | Publication of the Proceeding (IEEE/MSME/ Springer etc.) |
Dr. Samanvita N, Sowmya Raman, Shruti Gatade, Anil Kumar and Shreeram Kulkarni | Quantum Grid: Towards Future Energy Transformation | International Conference on Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing (ICCVBIC-2021) | 25-26th November 2021. | Springer/Web of Science |
Dr.N. Samanvita, Sudeep Shetty, Nagaraj .M. J. | Code Converter- Binary to Uniform Minimal Switching Representation (UMSR) | 5th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2021) | 3rd-5th, June 2021 | IEEE Scopus Indexed |
Mrs. Meghana .A. | ESP 32 based Embedded system for Level 1 Vehicular automation using IoT | at International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications-21 (ICCICA-21) | on 18th -19th June, 2021 | IEEE |
International Journal
International Conference
International Journal
International Conference
International Journal
International Conference
International Journal
International Conference
International Journal
International Conference
Title | Type of Training (workshop/webinar/FDP/SDP etc.) | Date with Duration | Name of the Organizing Department | Funding Agency | External Experts with Details |
Data Applications in Power Sector | Technical Talk | 27th November 2021 | EEE | - | Mr. Asim Ahmed , Director of Engineering REConnect Energy, Bangalore |
Epigraphical Heritage of India | Talk | 30th November 2021 | EEE | - | Dr.T.S. Ravishankar Former Director, Epigraphy, ASI Mysore |
How to plan for future along with enjoying student life | Technical Talk | 30th November 2021 | EEE | - | Mr. K. N. Rao, |
Digital IC design | Technical Talk | 19th June 2021 | EEE | - | Mr. Sriram. H. S, Senior software engineer , Cisco |
Role of Automated Test Equipment(ATE), IoT and System Integration in Industry | Technical Talk | 27th August 2021 | EEE | - | Mr. J. L. Nikhilesh Verma, Business Development Manager in Optimized Solutions Pvt Ltd. |
Sensitization of Quantum Computing | Technical Talk | 27th August 2021 | EEE, ECE | - | Mr. Pradeep Jain and Mr. Karthik Ganesh Durai, Co-founders of My Quantum Technology Pvt. Ltd. |
Scope of Power Electronics: Bird’s Eye View | Technical Talk | 13th April 2022 | EEE | - | Dr. Arjun M Assistant Professor, Dept. EEE, Manipal Institute of Technology& DirectorTech, Apsaram Technologies |
High-Voltage Equipments and Technology | Technical Talk | 26th April 2022 | EEE | - | Dr. Zarir H Sholapurwala , Managing Director, Zeonics Systech Defence and Aerospace Engineers Private Limited. |
Awareness on IPR | Talk | 24 th February,2022 | EEE | - | Dr.Piyush Kumar Pareek, Professor CSE, Head of IPR cell, NMIT |
Reducing the risks of startup Entrepreneurs | Talk | 8 th February, 2022 | EEE | - | Dr. Arvind M T, Director , Amplebit Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd |
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles | Technical Talk | 10 th December 2021 | EEE | - | Mr. Nikhilesh Varma, JLNV Enterprises |
Following Members Visited the Institute of Electricity and Energy Management (IEEM), Bangalore in December 2019 as a part of Industry Institute Interaction with Schneider Electric.
Faculty Members: Dr V Ranganthan, Dr T C Balachandra, >Dr N Samanvita, Dr J Shefali, Mrs VasudhaHegde, Mr M J Nagaraj, Mr Yashaswi K C, Mr Sudeep Shetty, Mr Anand
The department in collaboration with KPIT offers elective subjects namely Automotive Electronics and AUTOSAR for final year students
Students work on projects at prestigious organizations such as the Indian Institute of Science, Bharat Electronics and National Aeronautics.
Students have also done their internships at organizations such as ITI , Trident Technologies, National Thermal and Power Corporation and Texas Instruments.
To improve their understanding of technology in the work place, students have visited organizations such as :-
Students and the teaching staff attend workshops through the year. Details of workshops conducted by the department are given below.
Title | Type of Training (workshop/webinar/FDP/SDP etc.) | Date with Duration | Name of the Organizing Department | Funding Agency | External Experts with Details |
Quantum Computing and its Research Opportunities | Workshop | 22 nd to 24 th March 2021, 3 days | EEE, NMIT | - | Dr. Shayan Srinivasa Garani, Associate Professor, IISc Bangalore. Dr. Usha Devi.A.R Professor, Bangalore University. Mr. Ankur Raina, Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Arizona. Mr. Navneet Bhushan, Founder Director, Crafitti Private Limited. Mr. Shadab Hussain, Quantum Computing India. Mr.Karthiganesh, Quantum Computing India. |
“Assembly Line Automation and Machine Building” (Phase-3) | STTP | Six days from 8 th to 13 th Feb 2021 | Electrical & Electronics Engineering | AICTE | Mr. Sendil Kumar, FESTO. Mr. Venugopal, Venjay Auomation. Dr. V. Dhinakaran, CIT. Mr. Nagaraj.M.J, NMIT. Dr. Mohan Kumar, Former principal (GECH & SDMCET). Dr. C.P.Ravikumar, Texas Instruments. Dr.Santhosh.H, REVA University. Mr.Saikrishna Rao and Mr.Balaji Mohan, Schneider Electric. Dr.Shefali Jagwani, NMIT. |
Industrial Automation | Workshop | November 2021 | EEE, NMIT | - | Mr.K.R.Venugopal, Managing Director of Venjay Automation |
“Assembly Line Automation and Machine Building”. (Phase-1) | STTP | December 2020 | EEE, NMIT | AICTE | Dr. Arvind, M.T., Amplebit Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Abhishek Appaji, BMSCE. Mr. Vasanth Kumar, VI solutions Dr. C. P. Ravikumar, Texas Instruments Dr. D. P. Kothari, Former-Director, IIT Delhi Mr. Mukund Kulkarni and Mr. Pankaj Jadhav, EPLAN Mr. Ishwar Rajwani, Hero MotoCorp, R&D Mr. Venugopal, Venjay Automation Mr. Ramchandra, Green automation Systems Dr. A. Sreedevi, RVCE |
Hands-on Program”- EPLAN for Electrical Engineers | FDP | January 2020 | EEE, NMIT | - | Mr Nagaraj M J, NMIT Dr Shefali Jagwani, NMIT Mr Sudeep Shetty, NMIT Ms Veena S, NMIT Ms Sridevi H R, NMIT |
‘Renewable energy students’ club which is the Technical wing of Students’ forum TESLA was inaugurated on 27th November 2021. The club is aiming to create awareness on Renewable energy, energy conservation and management and social impact of Renewable energy by regularly conducting workshops, street plays, green weeks, poster and painting competitions, hackathons and ideathons.
The EEE branch association "TESLA" which is a vibrant association through which students organize guest lectures, industrial visits and other extra-curricular activities are conducted. Vidyuth is the inter-branch Techno-cultural fest at NMIT.
Tesla forum is a vibrant student association with the students organizing various activates through out the academic year. Various workshop and technical talks are been held under the TESLA forum The inauguration of the forum with the New Logo launch was held in September 2019.
For all students in NMIT, who are interested in innovation entrepreneurship, the Innovation Club is the place to meet likeminded people with complementary skills. It is the platform to get new inspiration, exchange experiences and ideas, build a powerful network and form team that work on game-changing ideas. The club under the constant support of NMIT, has the necessary skills, network and resources to support the interested club members.
Objective of Innovation Club: Infusing intricate thinking in the minds of students and polarizing thoughts into the process and thereby convert idea into a product.
Dr. Shefali Jagwani was honoured with IEEE Senior Membership in April 2020
Dr J Shefali got Recognition by IEEE on “Women in Engineering” for Innovative Idea.
Mr Vinay- Lab Instructor has been selected to Undertake Project Execution at ISRO, Bangalore.
Dr V Ranganthan Delivered a talk on “IP Commercialization” held on November 13th 2019.
Dr V Ranganathan, Dr N Samanvita, Siridevi N C, Sridevi H R, Mr Yashaswi K C - resources persons for the STTP on Six Days Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Hands on training on DSP and Embedded Controllers” organized by EEE Dept. on 17th-22nd June,2019 sponsored by AICTE.
Dr V Ranganathan, Dr N Samanvita and Shruti Gatade- resources persons for Two Weeks Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Hardware Realizable Neural Networks-Design Challenges and Research Opportunities” was conducted by EEE dept. on15th-27th July,2019 which was sponsored by AICTE.
Sl. No. | Student Name | Semester | Details of Achievement/Award |
1 | Arjun M, S., Sneha Nair and Muthamma N. S. | III & VII | The 'Smart campus grid' idea was selected and presented in First national conference on Innovations in Sustainable Energy Technology (ISET2020) organized by Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT), Bangalore under the category idea Hopper. |
2 | Students participated in Ideathon and Internal Hackathon held at NMIT. | ||
3 | Christina David HritikKarkera, SamyamSantosh, ShreyaNadgouda , VaniY,Vrinda S M 4th Year | VIII | Topic: Smart Networks for Renewable Integrated Sources for standalone Microgrids. ="../img/department/electrical/student-achievementeee1.jpg"> |
4 | Samiran Dhali , Amit Kushwaha , Prajna Hu , Aishanya Tiwari, Sumanth S 2nd Year | IV | Topic: 3D printer |
5 | Ankita Basaragi, Goutham L, Keshav Sridhar, Prathibha A S, Alok Pradyumna, Shantanu S 3rd Year | VI | Topic: Renewable Energy Forecasting For a Smart Grid. |
6 | Sinchana Nagesh and Phalguni S Koppar 3rd Year | VI/IV | *Won Volley Ball/ Throw Ball inter-college tournament held at BMSCE and Phalguni S Koppar was awarded the Best Player award. *VTU north zone- volley and Throw Ball Winner *VTU Inter zone- Throw Ball Tournament winner & VB second runner up. *Represented VTU at South zone inter University held at K L university. |
7 | Shruti Kandu 3rd Year | VI | Won Gold medal in Map Reading and Tent Pitching competitions in Inter Group Competition (State Level) and also represented Karnataka and Goa in ALL INDIA THAL SAINIK CAMP at Delhi (National Level) - October-2019 |
8 | Vishal Savalagi, Mukul Kumar Singh and Prahalad Raja 3rd Year | VI/VIII | Intercollegiate Football Tournament Winners at CMRIT, Bangalore in October- Spardha – 2019. Vishal Savalagi was declared as the Man of the Match in one of the Reliance matches held at CMRIT. |
9 | Sneha Nair S 3rd Year | VI | Represented NMIT as Jhankaar Dance team which won 1st place at REVA, BIMS, SJBIT, MSRIT college Bengaluru-October 2019 |
10 | Sinchana N ,ShrutiKhandu, Sumansourav , Vipinkumarsingh, Krishnakanthpandey. 3rd Year | VI | Participated in Future Solar Design Challenge, National Solar Vehicle Competition, and Electric Solar Vehicle Championship as a part of Team Horus. They stood 16th position among 42 teams in NSVC, and bagged the Best Business Plan award in FSDC and Best Future Design and Team Spirit Award in ESVC competition. |
11 | Satyam shree 3rd Year | VI | * Applied patent for “Smart Air Purifier” with the college team Inventers Pro, Patent No.201941024083. *Runner up in hackathon (36 hrs) on power consumption and sustainability held at BMSCE, Bangalore. *Winners in street play (GOONJ THEATRE CLUB) held at IISc, Bangalore. |
12 | Shrey Bothra 2nd Year | IV | *Bangalore Times Fresh Face Semi finalist *Finalist, Stand-up Comedy Spring Fest - 2020 IIT KHARAGPUR. |
13 | Abinav S 2nd Year | IV | Bagged Second place in Event: Theatre, NIT TRICHY, THEATRE CLUB: Invictus |
14 | Anusha KH 2nd Year | IV |
Participated and secured prize , TEAM SANGHARSH (DANCE GROUP) won many prizes.
15 | Vishnu Tejas S 2nd Year | IV |
DANCE CLUB-JHANKAR Bagged first and second prize in intercollege fest.
16 | Pranva V 4th Year | VIII | *Winner at PESU Infini International Sports fest and got Best Player award. *Winner at BMC medical college National Sports Fest. |
17 | Nandan and Shashikiran 4th Year | VIII | *Winners of Devadan cup 2020 held at Christ College of Engineering, Bangalore. *Winners of Momentum 2020 held at RVCE Bangalore. *Selected to University team and Played southzone university Volleyball Championship held at Vijaywada, AndhraPradesh in Dec 2019. |
Participation in ideathons
Topic:Renewable Energy Forecasting For a Smart Grid (3rd Year Students)
1. AnkitaBasaragi 2. GouthamL 3. Keshav Sridhar 4. Prathibha A S 5. AlokPradyumna 6. Shantanu S
Topic: Smart Networks for Renewable Integrated Sources for standalone Microgrids (4th Year Students)
1. Christina David 2. HritikKarkera 3. Samyam Santosh 4. Shreya Nadgouda 5.Vani Y 6.Vrinda S M
Student Name | Details of Achievement/Award |
Sinchana N | Sinchana N of 5th Semester won 1st place in throw ball Inter college competition at BMSCE and Saividya Institute of Technology-October 2019 |
Shruti Kandu | Shruti Kandu of 5th semester Won gold medal in Map reading and tent pitching in Inter group Competition (State Level) and also represented Karnataka and Goa in ALL INDIA THAL SAINIK CAMP at Delhi (National Level).- October-2019 |
Vishal Savalagi | Vishal Savalagi, Mukul Kumar Singh of 5th semester, and Prahalad Raja of 7th semester are part of the college Football team which won tournament at CMRIT, Bangalore.October-2019 |
PRATEEK MEHTA(NCC Cadet) | Has won Silver Medal in State Level Shooting Competition (0.22 inches calibre Rifle). He has been selected for representing Karnataka and Goa Directorate NCC in Delhi, where he will be competing with the Inter Directorate Shooting Teams of NCC cadets from other states. |
Narendra, Srihari, Hom Bahadur along with faculty Ms. Vasudha Hegde | Participated in "Re-Imagine Waste 2- Hackathon", held from 11th to 14th Aug 2017, conducted by IISC. They were the first participants to get selected to the finals. |
K. Arun Kumar and Prabhu B. | KPIT Sparkle Contest 2017: The team comprising of K. Arun Kumar and Prabhu B. of VIII sem were among the top 35. They presented their idea in the grand finale at Pune on 17th and 18th February 2017. Their idea was titled 'Separation and Collection of Plastics :A Smart Approach' . The idea was much appreciated by the jury members. The team members were offered a career in KPIT. |
Pallavi G.H. Sudip Chandra Gupta | Pallavi G.H. Sudip Chandra Gupta of VIII sem presented a paper on "Smart traffic management" at JIPMER institute, Pondicherry, APOGEE 2017 in Feb 2017. This paper is one of the top 20 papers which will be presented in BITS, GOA and published in Enhanced Research Publication. |
Pawan R. , Prabhu B. , K. Arun and Koushik N. | Pawan R. , Prabhu B. , K. Arun and Koushik N. presented a paper on "Spider Silk :Future of Material Science" held at JNU , New Delhi, Krishi Sanskruthi. |
K. Arun Kumar and Prabhu B. of 8th Semester EEE participated in the KPIT Sparkle Contest 2017. Their projects on 'Separation and Collection of Plastics: A Smart Approach' was shortlisted. The idea was appreciated by the jury members and the entire team was offered a career in KPIT. They also presented their idea in the grand finale held at Pune in February, 2017.
K. Arun Kumar, Akshatha K. R. Narendra Chaulagain, K. RajanJaysawal, Hom Bahadur Tamang and Gagnan P. E. along with Mrs. Vasudha Hegde, Associate Prof. in the EEE Dept, participated in the Smart India Hackathon in April 2017. The hackathon was sponsored by Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change and the theme was "Carbon Activated Filter for Controlling Industrial Air Pollution" under the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change.
Mystiq Tech Private Limited is into Product Development, Consultancy and Training in the field of Quantum Computing. It was founded by Karthi Ganesh, Pradeep Jain and Shadab Hussian. The founders have over 10 years of experience in Quantum Computing. They have conducted many workshops, Hackathons and Learning circles. They have trained participants on Qiskit, Introduction to Quantum Computing, Quantum Machine Learning, Quantum Finance and Quantum Cryptography. They are building a product around Portfolio Optimization under the Quantum Finance domain.
The Company will train institute students and faculty members on the following areas but not limited to Python, AI/ML, Qiskit, Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Hardware, Hackathon Challenges, Quantum Certification Course, Quantum Research Paper, Quantum Application Development, conduct workshops, conferences and FDP’s. The students can make use of the facility of the company and college and get Job opportunities as Interns, in Research also full time roles.
The MoU was signed on 30th July 2021 between Mystiq Tech Private Limited and Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology.
MOU signed between EEE dept, NMIT and Mystiq Tech Private Limited
Venjay Automation Pvt Ltd is a company formed in 2005 to provide solutions for Process Automation, SCADA systems, Embedded systems.The objectives of the MoU is skill development, outcome based training, placement, R&Dservices & innovations in industrial automation for students and faculty. Venjay Automation with Rotary initiative handed over a Belt conveyor driven by a 12 V DC motor, which is a typical prototype used in the modern process industry. The same conveyor can be interfaced with automation equipment which is available in our Machines lab. Using this, the students can do different types of experiments and study to enhance their knowledge in Industrial Automation.The MoU was signed on 16th April 2021 between Venjay Automation Pvt Ltd and Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology.
MOU signed between EEE dept, NMIT and Venjay Automation Pvt Ltd and Handing over of Belt conveyor driven by 12 V DC motor.
The Company will train institute students and faculty members on the following areas but not limited to only these areas:Patent Reading,TRIZ Methodology,Lean Innovation,Design Thinking,Working around a Patent,Creating a Patent from an Idea,Patent Valuation,Patent Commercialization,Innovative Thinking,Decision Engineering,SOUL-ALVIS-SCAN-CRAFT Framework for end-to-end Innovation,Patent ready Venture Creation,Inventive Energy in Key Technological Domains,Futures Research, Technology Forecasting and Laws of System Evolution,Sixth Wave of Innovation Courses.
Students are given rigorous training by the Expert Trainers, to enhance their chances of being placed in a reputed/renowned company.
Reputed and Eminent companies like IBM, KPIT, Microsoft, Infosys, Cognizant, Wipro, CapGemini, L&T Infotech, Sasken etc. have successfully placed /hired our Students.