The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering developed an Advanced Lab on Innovation Consulting & Product Development (ICAP) multi-disciplinary research center, which was started in October 2020. The center focuses on the areas like Quantum Computing, VLSI and Embedded Systems, Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. It also aims to identify scientific and innovative challenges, designing and developing methods/products as per the research needs and to provide internship opportunities to the students.
10th Generation Intel Core i7-10700, 16GB RAM, 1 TB Hard Drive & 512 GB SSD, Nvidia Quadro RTX 5000, Windows 10 (2 no)– To execute Projects on AI, Machine Learning and Quantum Computing. Artrix FPGA Kits (2 Kits),PSOC 4 and PSOC 6 (10 Kits),Vivado (Xilinx)Model Sim,Modus tool box, Tensorflow, Qiskit,Matlab , QCAD.
Research paper (6 no) is published in Scopus index international conference , 6 th semester students are carrying out industry based project in quantum simulation, 2 workshops with one Tedtalk has been conducted, 6 faculty members 15 students are working in the lab, students are developing 2 products in the area of AI/ML ( under progress). Value added course on QCAD was conducted for 5 th semester students. We have an MOU with MYQuatum Technology Pvt limited.
The departments of Electrical & Electronics Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg and Mechanical Engg along with Myquantum Technolgy Pvt Ltd Organised a Hackathon “Quant-A-Maze” on the theme of Quantum Computing in two phases. The first phase was conducted in October and November 2022 to select the ideas. The selected participants participated for 24hr Hack Day held from 12:00 noon on 8th December to 12:00 noon on 9th December 2022. The total prize money is given Rs. 1,45,000. Around 40 teams participated in phase 1 and 13 got selected for phase 2. CRYPT- Q team of NMIT won first place, the Q-GEN team had members from Kerala, Hyderabad and Rajasthan won second place, INCOGNITO team from Pullareddy Colege of Engineering, Kurnool won the third prize. Also, a prize was given for an innovative idea for the LABYRINTH Team from Loyola College of Engineering, Chennai.