Internships / Immersion program is an opportunity for undergraduate students to pursue their passions and interests through experiential learning. Each student takes a self-directed engagement in the research centre or specific laboratory to enhance experimental and research skills.
The enrolment of students to this program will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions spelt out in the MoU agreed between NMIT and the partner University/Institution concerned. Students travelling to the partnered university under the MoU will not be charged tuition fees and a discounted tuition fee is applicable for the students from non-partnering university. Students are required to bear costs related to living expenses, boarding, lodging and travel, the accommodation. Please note that it is optional to provide accommodation for the students.
Duration: 4 – 5 Weeks (June – July)
Type of Program: Full time residential program at NMIT.
Students pursuing third/fourth year of engineering.
Application process:
Students seeking admissions to Internship/ Immersion programs must fill the application from and email necessary documents to iroffice@nmit.ac.in
Application form: https://forms.gle/hFQ2jgUA9Bx5Qzv3A
Documents to be submitted:
Important information:
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
Dean - International Relations
Room no 11, Block C
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology
P.B. No. 6429, Yelahanka,
Bangalore -560064
Karnataka, India
Phone: +91-080 22167909
E- Mail: dean.ir@nmit.ac.in
NMIT invites students to be a part of project-based learning initiative in which the student can continue his/her thesis work through project centric approach under the joint supervision of faculty members from NMIT and the parent university.
Duration: 4 – 5 Weeks (June – July)
Type of Program: Full time residential program at NMIT
Students pursuing third/fourth year of engineering at NMIT
Application process:
Students seeking admissions Project Based learning must fill the application from and email necessary documents to iroffice@nmit.ac.in
Application form: https://forms.gle/hFQ2jgUA9Bx5Qzv3A
Documents to be submitted:
Important information:
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
Dean - International Relations
Room no 11, Block C
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology
P.B. No. 6429, Yelahanka,
Bangalore -560064
Karnataka, India
Phone: +91-080 22167909
E- Mail: dean.ir@nmit.ac.in
Students seeking admissions at NMIT to Graduate /PhD Programs are requested to click on the below link