India was one of the glorious destinations of Higher Learning, centuries ago. Now, in this modern age also, it has become one of the most favorable destinations of global studies, thanks to the availability of premium education at affordable costs, thereby facilitating to restore its role as ‘Vishwa Guru’ (World Leader). Our National Education Policy-2020 welcomes students from abroad as India has been geared- up in the effective dissemination of a holistic and multi- disciplinary education to develop all capacities of human beings – Intellectual, Aesthetic, Social, Physical, Emotional and Moral in an integrated manner.
Office of International Relations at Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology is a dedicated venue to create cordial atmosphere to the overseas students and to guide them in a right track to achieve excellence. In addition, this Office is committed to promote the international collaborations for academic programmes and research activities.
On behalf of Nitte Education Trust and Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, I would love to welcome the foreign community into our midst. We are well equipped with the academic environment and infrastructure to facilitate you to possess better learning experience.
Departments and Research Centers at Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology would constantly oversee the academic activities, research, and industry collaborations in transforming students into Industry-ready professionals. Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology is one of the most well-equipped institutes of technology in India by figuring in 4th position at the National level in the ‘Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation
We foresee: -
We are wide open in exploring opportunities for collating and creating newer platforms for our own students and faculty members also, to travel abroad to our partner universities to gain and share the knowledge for mutual benefits.
Good day. Namaskara.