Conference Location

Bangalore (Bengaluru) - The Garden City

Bengaluru (also called Bangalore) is the capital city of Karnataka state. The Silicon Valley of India is its nickname of the Indian city of Bengaluru and is a comparative reference to the original Silicon Valley, because of its role as the nation's leading information technology (IT) exporter. Indian technological organizations ISRO, NAL, HAL, GTRE, ADA etc. Are headquartered in the city. Ademographically diverse city, Bangalore is the second fastest-growing major metropolis in India. Bangalore has one of the most highly-educated workforces in the world. It is home to many educational and research institutions in India, such as the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Indian Institute of Management (Bangalore) (IIMB), International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore (IIITB), National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bangalore, National Institute of Design, Bangalore (NID R&D Campus), National Law School of India University (NLSIU) and National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS). Numerous Aerospace and Defence Organizations, such as Bharat Electronics, Hindustan Aeronautics and National Aerospace Laboratories are located in the city.

Predicted Weather in July

Average Temperature : 26C

Chance of Sunny Day : 2%

Chance of Rain : 40%

Chance of Cloudy Day : 27%

Upcoming Dates

Aug 25

Paper Submission Deadline

Sept 30

Registration Deadline